========== Quickstart ========== To use `mediacurator`, execute the following command structure: .. code-block:: bash mediacurator [options] mediacurator [list convert] [-del/--delete] [-i/--inputs any 3gp asf avi divx dv f4v flv gif m2ts m4v mkv mov mp4 mpeg mpg mts ogm ogv rm swf ts vid vob webm wmv] [-fl/--filters fferror old lowres hd 720p 1080p uhd mpeg mpeg4 x264 wmv3 wmv] [-o/--outputs mkv/mp4 x265/av1] [-p/--printop list formatted verbose] [-d/--dirs "/mnt/media/" "/mnt/media2/"] [-f/--files "file1.ext" "file2.ext"] **Available commands:** - `list`: List all videos with specified filters. - `convert`: Convert videos to specified formats. **Options:** - `-del` or `--delete`: Delete found results after successful operations. - `-i ` or `--inputs `: Specify input file formats (default: `any`). - `-fl ` or `--filters `: Apply filters to the selection of videos. - `-o ` or `--outputs `: Specify output formats (default: `mkv`, `x265`). - `-p ` or `--printop `: Set print options (default: `list`). - `-f ` or `--files `: Specify files to process. - `-d ` or `--dirs `: Specify directories to process. **For multiple files or filenames, use space-separated values ( ).** **Default options:** - `-i/--inputs any` - `-fl/--filters` - `-o/--outputs mkv x265` - `-p/--printop list` **Examples:** The following examples demonstrate how to use `mediacurator` with the options listed above: .. code-block:: bash # List all videos with an old codec in formatted format mediacurator list --filters old --printop formatted --dirs /mnt/media/ >> ../medlist.txt # Convert all videos with the MPEG4 codec to MP4 using the AV1 codec and delete the originals mediacurator convert --delete --filters mpeg4 --outputs av1,mp4 --dirs "/mnt/media/Movies/" # Convert any video with AVI or MPG extensions, print formatted text including FFmpeg's output, and then delete the originals mediacurator convert --delete --inputs avi,mpg --printop formatted,verbose --dirs /mnt/media/ For more examples, see :doc:`use_cases`.