========== Quickstart ========== .. warning:: The following documentation is for versions prior to 1.0.1. It may contain features and usage instructions that are incompatible with the current version of mediacurator. .. code-block:: bash mediacurator [list,convert] [-del] [-in:any,avi,mkv,wmv,mpg,mp4,m4v,flv,vid,divx,ogm,webm] [-filters:fferror,old,lowres,hd,720p,1080p,uhd,mpeg,mpeg4,x264,wmv3,wmv] [-out:mkv/mp4,x265/av1] [-print:list,formated,verbose] [-dirs/-files:"/mnt/media/",,"/mnt/media2/"] **for multiple files or filenames use double comma separated values ",,"** default options are: .. code-block:: bash -in:any -filters: -out:mkv,x265 -print:list Examples: .. code-block:: bash # List all videos with old codec in formated format mediacurator list -filters:old -print:formated -dirs:/mnt/media/ >> ../medlist.txt # Convert all videos with the codec mpeg4 in a mp4 using the av1 video codec and the delete the originals mediacurator convert -del -filters:mpeg4 -out:av1,mp4 -dirs:"/mnt/media/Movies/" # Convert any video with avi or mpg extensions, print formated text including ffmpeg's output and then delete the originals mediacurator convert -del -in:avi,mpg -print:formated,verbose -dirs:/mnt/media/ More examples in :doc:`use_cases`